Lieutenant General Honore
An excerpt from the 60 Minutes story last night on Mayor Nagin. The editing is a bit questionable. For instance, the phrase "Honore admits" is misleading (I would change it to "Honore explains") as the tone given during that moment, and throughout the entire interview, was more of the General EXPLAINING to the reporter inexperienced in these matter why things like this take time.
The final evacuation of the stranded is in progress. A huge military rescue thunders through the city under the command of Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, a man the mayor calls John Wayne.Pelley asks Honore if he understands the frustration Americans felt all across the country when they were watching people on their roofs, people at the convention center and at the Superdome for days. And people are saying, "Where, where's the Army? Where's the National Guard? Why is this taking so long?"
"It took time to get here," Honore admits. "And who on that first day knew the levee was gonna break? We are blessed in a way that those people made it to the dome."
Honore continues, saying, "It was a blessing. What would've been the opposite of the storm? They all would've drown. We woulda lost a hell of a lot more people. A hell of a lot more people would've perished."
With bodies floating in the water people who are urging a faster response, Honore offers this ultimatum: "Well, right now I could either have these troops go do this or pick up the livin'. What would you do?"
The feminists won't have migraines. They'll just cry. Seems to be in vogue for that crowd.
So inspiring isn't it?
I was waiting the the 60 Minutes reporter to ask Mayor Nagin a question along those lines last night. But alas no such question.
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