Thing That Have Been Driving Me Crazy Lately
Random issues that may indicate I am either on the edge or prematurely geriatric. Alternatively I could also be right. Admittedly subjective and in no particular order.
- Boys/Men who wear their baggy pants hanging off their rear end. Reminds me of my kids when they had loaded diapers.
- People who drive slowly in the passing lane. Even worse, slower drivers who randomly move into the passing lane as you approach.
- Cell Phones to include people interrupting a conversation with you to answer it (I've started to walk away when this happens) and those who leave them on during classroom setting after being asked to turn them off. I don't think we have that many doctors out there.
- Not dressing your best for church. Note I used the word "best" as we all have different wardrobes. I would think however most people have better shoes than flip-flops.
- People at the supermarket who just stop in the middle of the lane with no regard for the people behind them. Complementary to that are folks who don't put their carts in the collection area but just leave then adrift in the parking lot.
- Littering. Especially people throwing their cigarettes out of their car windows.
I reserve the right to add more. Anymore from the masses?
-Curmudgeon Stu
Realizing that you are kidding a bit here I admit I have thought about that point a lot. For instance, I have gone to Mass and sat next to a monk who of course only had sandals on. That's why I say dressing your "best" vice everyone has to dress like me. There is also an element of local social norms (still is if you have had the pleasure of celebrating the Mass in a foreign country). In the times of Christ people dressed a certain way which was the accepted norm. Purely conjecture on my part, though perhaps there is some proof out there, but I would imagine those going to the Temple when Christ walked the Earth were clean and dressed in their best. So even though a monk wearing his sandals constitutes his "best" (applies to others as well) I don't think the same thing can be said for the gentleman who wears his softball team t-shirt. Doesn't mean his going to hell either and he might have an incredible faith. And admittedly, in the end it is for God to judge. To add to the discussion, what do you think Christ is wearing now that He is on His throne?
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